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Fabulous, Colorful Brazilian Theme|Tamara Wendt

Total Tent Transformation - How One Designer Uses Beads, Lighting and Feathers to Bring Brazil Home
Total Tent Transformation - How One Designer Uses Beads, Lighting and Feathers to Bring Brazil Home
Total Tent Transformation - How One Designer Uses Beads, Lighting and Feathers to Bring Brazil Home
Total Tent Transformation - How One Designer Uses Beads, Lighting and Feathers to Bring Brazil Home
Total Tent Transformation - How One Designer Uses Beads, Lighting and Feathers to Bring Brazil Home
Total Tent Transformation - How One Designer Uses Beads, Lighting and Feathers to Bring Brazil Home
Total Tent Transformation - How One Designer Uses Beads, Lighting and Feathers to Bring Brazil Home
Total Tent Transformation - How One Designer Uses Beads, Lighting and Feathers to Bring Brazil Home
Total Tent Transformation - How One Designer Uses Beads, Lighting and Feathers to Bring Brazil Home
Total Tent Transformation - How One Designer Uses Beads, Lighting and Feathers to Bring Brazil Home
Facebook has again transported us, along with the ever fabulous Tamara Wendt, from a regular venue into a blinged out scene from Rio de Janeiro using her creative vision and some affordable Decor staples.

If you don't believe us, take a look at the "before" shot (2nd photo) of the event space that she transformed into a Brazil-themed wonderland for a recent charity event supporting Niabi Zoo.

In a matter of hours, Tamara and her team at Tamara Wendt Design, working in conjunction with A-1 Event Rentals, created this scene that brings the glory of Carnival home for a great cause.

Wondering how Tamara achieved this look on a budget that maximized every dollar spent? Think ostrich feathers for affordable, reusable centerpieces, light curtains and Chandeliers (again, reusable and high impact) suspended from the tent structure, LED lighting mixed with candles on the tables, and gorgeous fabric swags layered from the ceiling to bathe the entire event in the hot colors of Brazil. We love the metallic cylinders that she hung from the ceiling, too ~ lots of impact with limited expense, easy to store, and reusable.

The 4th photo really shows the impact of the Light Curtains and diamond bead curtains working in tandem to fill large aerial spaces, not to mention the original design work that Tamara and her crew did on the tent walls. The alternating colors on the tables is another budget-friendly, high impact way to add splashes of color throughout the event.

We love the last image because it shows how clearly lighting and a chandelier can totally change the look of a space ~ in this case turning a plain white tent into a fabulous party venue for a fabulous cause. Tamara has done it again, and we know that this event was super successful both for the Niabi Zoo and for the guests who attended to support it. And of course, we really appreciate the chance to attend virtually through these lovely images.

Our thanks go out to Tamara of Tamara Wendt Designs and D'Lux Events.