Pink Bubbles Beaded Curtains 3 Feet Wide x 6 Feet Long Door Beads - Hang them next to each other to cover wider spaces!
These acrylic bubble beads are so beautiful...they add sparkle and glitter all over any surface! You can even hang them on top of another fabric like a shower curtain or window treatment if you want the sparkly look but you still like a more little privacy!
35" Wide x 70" Long: Our wonderful acrylic beaded curtains are a perfect addition to any room! Use in the place of regular doors, closet doors, or behind a bed to add height to any room! Because the bubble disc beads on this style lay in different directions, even with just 23 strands you get a very full look with this beaded curtain. Try pairing it with one of our De-LIGHTful pink hanging beaded lamps!