Our fantastic light blue beaded curtain glows in the dark! This curtain has an iridescent coating and sparkles like crazy. The blue color here reminds us of a crisp clean pool. It's hard to capture this beautiful color digitally. This glow dark bead curtain is 3 feet wide and 6 feet long and has 45 strands hanging from one rod.
By the way....you DO NOT have to have a blacklight to make these curtains glow! They ARE blacklight reactive (they will glow while a blacklight is lit), BUT....all you have to do is turn on a regular light for a few minutes, turn the light off, and there you go! They are glowing!!! Our wonderful heavy-duty acrylic beaded curtains are a perfect addition to any room! Use in the place of regular doors, closet doors, or behind a bed to add height to any room! For an extra-spcial look: all bead curtains have irridescent beads unless otherwise stated. This curtain glows in the dark!
As with most glow-in-the-dark items your curtain will glow for a short while when the lights are turned off after it has been exposed to light such as a ligh tbulb or even the sun. The effect lasts for a while with each "charge" of light, and then will diminish after a period of time. To get your curtain to glow all the time, you could put a black-light in the room. Your curtain will react to the black-light and glow until you turn the light off.