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Quick, Easy & Pretty Fabulous Thanksgiving Tables

Quick, Pretty, Fit for a Turkey | Easy, Fabulous Tables for Thanksgiving
Quick, Pretty, Fit for a Turkey | Easy, Fabulous Tables for Thanksgiving
Quick, Pretty, Fit for a Turkey | Easy, Fabulous Tables for Thanksgiving
Quick, Pretty, Fit for a Turkey | Easy, Fabulous Tables for Thanksgiving
Quick, Pretty, Fit for a Turkey | Easy, Fabulous Tables for Thanksgiving
Quick, Pretty, Fit for a Turkey | Easy, Fabulous Tables for Thanksgiving
What? You're in charge of feeding the extended family for Thanksgiving, and you don't have much time to spend crafting a to-die-for Thanksgiving tablescape as seen on Pinterest? (Gracious we love adding -scape to words to make up new words.) Whether you have been nominated to host the big day for a huge crew on short notice, or you have an extra table to set for those late (no) rsvp'ing college kids/cousins/out-of-town guests, we (well, you ~ but we'll help) can take your tabletop from frustrating to fabulous in 15 minutes.

And as a recent secret shopper ~ meaning that I found a *few* things that I wanted and ordered them from the website without telling anybody ~ I can tell you that my pretties came with a little note from Larry (and a Pilgrim rubber ducky, which I loved) in just a few days. It reminded me of that Amazon commercial where they click "submit" and then hear the thud on the porch. Gotta love instant gratification.

So anyway, don't panic.

Not that you would.

But if you were thinking about panicking, repeat after us: "I do still have time to set a fabulous table. I do still have time to set a fabulous table."

Inspiration Table #1: A simple runner ~ we like burlap sold in craft stores, and you can use it over and over. Our only caveat about burlap is that some burlap stinks. Our advice? Buy the kind that doesn't stink. This is an expert-type blog, btw, so we specialize in practical hints like that. Add some Beaded Garland for a splash of color, some candles (naked or in simple holders), and (wait for it): you've set an inviting table. Check your watch ~ we'll bet that it hasn't even been 15 minutes. Are you good, or what?

Inspiration Table #2: In the 2nd photo, there's that burlap runner again ~ we told you that it would come in handy. Inexpensive, reusable, and a great way to ground your table arrangements so that you can add some sparkles without being overwhelming or too fussy ~ burlap is good stuff. (The non-stinky kind, of course.) Add pumpkins and gourds (we like the monochromatic thing that they have going on here, but orange, white, green ~ they will all work). Throw in some fall leaves and a couple of Candle Holders and you're good to go. Fifteen minutes IF you had to borrow some neighbors' pumpkins.

Inspiration Table #3: What are those square mats in the 3rd photo made of? Is that burlap again? Probably sisal or a woven fibers, but gosh it's close. Add some Votives, some sprays with amber accents, a few taller candles in vases in the center, and voila ~ a chic fall table.

We'd love to see how you personalized these and other ideas to make Thanksgiving special for your family. Show off your brilliant ideas and post your pictures to our Facebook wall!