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Tax Exempt Customers

We want to make working with us as easy for you and your team as possible. If you place an order before your status is verified, we will refund the tax paid. screenshot-2023-02-07-at-5.34.14-pm.png



We will contact you to let you know that your tax-exempt documentation has been reviewed and that your Tax Exempt status has been verified. You are welcome to call to follow up: 928-855-6075 Monday-Friday 8am - 4pm Arizona Time. After your account is verified, any time you log in to your ShopWildThings account using the email address(s) on your account, tax will be removed from your orders. You may also FAX to 928-855-5821. Your paperwork / form must be current and unexpired in order to be valid.  We are required by law to check the validity of these documents. You may also email your form to 

Question: How can I begin making a tax-exempt purchase at ShopWildThings? 
Answer: Your ShopWildThings Account must be created. Please create an account using your business or organizational email address and provide the first and last name of the primary individual who will be purchasing for the business. If several members of your team will be placing orders online, please let us know who those team members are along with their business email addresses. They will need to log in and place orders with that email or your main business email that we set up the first account with. We are happy to help set this up for you. It's easiest to see all orders if you use one central log-in and password. 

Question: Tax is still showing up on the order I'm trying to place and I was already verified Tax Exempt. 
Answer: It is best if you log-in with the same email address when you place orders rather than checking out as a guest. Using one email address for all orders is best. Phone orders do not show in the website system so if you mostly place phone orders and haven't been set up as Tax Exempt on the website please let us know and we will fix it. We can take also phone orders and omit tax if your Tax Exempt certificates are already in place. If you're running into issues, let us know. We can fix it. Our team is friendly and agile and we want to make your day. 

Question: Do states require a particular tax-exemption form? 
Answer: Some states require a specific state form. Other states allow the multi-jurisdiction resale form. Please ensure you provide applicable state tax-exemption certificates for your organization type and state of registration.

Question: What happens after our account is verified? 
Answer: Every time that you place an order on ShopWildThings, please make sure that you are logged in using the email address that you used when you signed up for your Tax-Exempt verified 

Question: We are Tax Exempt and verified by ShopWildThings, why is tax is still showing on our online orders? 
Answer: It should not be. Please make sure that we have all of the email addresses in our system for your buyers. We can set everyone with different email addresses on your team up with a Tax Exempt account. 

Question: What happens if I place phone orders? 
Answer: We will be sure that your account is Tax Exempt in our "big" back end system, too.