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Key Design Feature for Master Closets

Does Your Master Closet have This Key Design Feature?
Does Your Master Closet have This Key Design Feature?
Does Your Master Closet have This Key Design Feature?
Does Your Master Closet have This Key Design Feature?
Does Your Master Closet have This Key Design Feature?
Does Your Master Closet have This Key Design Feature?
Does Your Master Closet have This Key Design Feature?
Does Your Master Closet have This Key Design Feature?
If you're anything like us, you are greeting 2014 with great optimism ~ sprinkled with a little wistfulness. We had a great holiday season ~ the (short!) three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas were filled with all of the good things that the holidays bring, and we kept most of them in balance most of the time. It was a month (not quitee what was that?) to look back on fondly.

Still, one of our big (and as yet undone) to do"s was reorganizing at home. We love the *idea* of greeting the new year with symmetrical, organized, cleaned out, clutter-free spaces. You know the homes that have the things we're talking about, where the Martha fairies work at night ~ they have work spaces without "backup" coffee cups, bins and drawers with just so labels, file drawers that close, and everything effervesces a kind of inner Pottery Barn. They have mudrooms dotted with neat rows of woven baskets n and no mud.

Even more envy-inspiring, for us anyway, their closets are organized by color and season, with some just-kicked-off Manolo Blahniks scattered about as if removed by little mice and bluebirds to the tune of "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes."

Truth be told, we got a few projects done (cube cleaned and reorganized? check), but we still have a LOT of work to do to have the Zen work-life spaces of our dreams, and nowhere feels the brunt of our clutter more keenly than our master closet. Currently the repository of several sizes" worth of clothing, a shoved-way-in-the-back moving box or two (we moved in 2010!), and a bunch of Christmas gifts, our master closet needs some serious clutter and design help. that's help as in "Help!"

So, as we're trucking (car-ing) loads of outgrown toys-clothes-shoes to charity and dreaming of hosting the Martha fairies ourselves one day, we have visions of these master closets dancing in our heads. Nothing like some great design principles in action to give us the kick in the derriere that we need to get started on our own fab master closet.

Like this closet and dressing area fit for a princess. Or for the castle"s queen. (One of the things that we notice about the closets that we love the absolute *most* is that they always seem to have gorgeous Chandeliers and stunning seating. they're comfortable and chic ~ designed like the rest of the home, to meld form and function, rather than as repositories to be stuffed. There"s got to be a lesson or three in there somewhere!) And frankly, we'd kill for a window seat.

Totally different vibe, but we equally love this sleek, bright closet with a built-in work space. The neutral color palette and the bold prints create an upscale look, and the unique light fixture and the silver vases give this area a finished appearance. Again, a totally different approach from our shove-and-slam master closet of a similar size. (For budget-friendly alternatives to liven up your master closet, we love jigsaw lamps, capiz chandeliers and Silver Decor pieces like this owl ~ and this fab urn, and this garden stool.)

In the 3rd photo, another unique, envy worthy master closet is this clean, unfussy his-and-hers dressing suite. We adore the glass door cabinets ~ and of course the romantic chandelier adds just the right touch of glam to the space while providing diffuse light that flatters.

And one more envy-inspriring closet with amazing lighting in the last photoe Pendant lights combine a modern industrial edge with plenty of power to illuminate spaces thoroughly without sacrificing style. This combination dressing island/vanity is a killer design coup, too. Another functional, well designed space with great aesthetic appeal.